What is a physical disability? It refers to impairments in muscles, bones, and joints that can hinder coordination, communication, adaptability, and mobility.

According to the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), Indonesia recorded 22.5 million people with physical disabilities in 2020. The primary causes include polio, accidents, hereditary factors, and congenital disabilities.

A study published in the Journal of Practice in Clinical Psychology in 2018 highlighted that individuals with physical disabilities often experience low subjective well-being due to their physical limitations.

Among these disabilities, leg impairments are particularly prevalent. Legs symbolize independence, marking the journey from a crawling infant to a person who stands tall on their own feet.

However, this symbolism is a stark reminder of the marginalization faced by many with leg disabilities. Numerous individuals still lack access to prosthetic legs due to their prohibitive costs.

Responding to this urgent need, Biru, in collaboration with Element Bike and Mills, has launched a unique initiative: the Element Ecosmo Biru Edition folding bike and the Mills x Biru Jersey, inspired by the stylish blokecore trend.

By purchasing the Element Ecosmo Biru Edition bike and the Mills x Biru Jersey, you are directly contributing to the provision of prosthetic legs for our physically disabled brothers and sisters.

Let’s give them a “new life” and support our community of physically disabled individuals. Together, we can make their lives better.


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Thank you for your support for our campaign.

Rizky Fadilla akan genap berusia 20 tahun bulan depan. Sejak bayi, kaki kanannya divonis mengidap tumor dan akhirnya diamputasi.

Tidak hanya kaki, ruas-ruas jari tangannya juga mengidap penyakit yang sama dan harus diamputasi.

Meski begitu, api semangat remaja yang bercita-cita menjadi pemain sepakbola ini tak pernah padam. Sehari-hari ia tetap giat bekerja di bengkel cat duco untuk membantu ekonomi keluarganya.

Saat kecil ia seringkali dicela oleh teman-temannya, namun Rizky tidak pernah mempedulikannya. Mamanya selalu mengingatkan Rizky, “Kamu spesial, kamu tidak kekurangan.”

Kata-kata itu menguatkan Rizky hingga sekarang. Ia memilih menempuh pendidikan di sekolah normal, dan bahkan mendapat beasiswa saat SMA.

Aktivitasnya beragam. Tidak hanya bermain sepakbola, dirinya juga gemar panjat tebing dan boxing. Rizky berusaha untuk tidak menerima perlakuan khusus karena ingin membuktikan diri.

“Saya tidak ingin dikasihani, saya harus membuktikan bahwa saya mampu untuk melakukan lebih dari yang orang normal sanggup lakukan.”

“Berlatih panjat tebing dan boxing memperkuat otot-otot saya, terutama jari-jari saya. Sehingga walaupun sudah diamputasi, saya masih bisa memaksimalkan apa yang saya punya.”

Rizky punya mimpi untuk dapat melanjutkan kuliah di jurusan pariwisata. Saat ini ia tinggal di bengkel cat tempatnya bekerja. Usai ayahnya meninggal, ia berharap bisa tinggal bersama mamanya di Banten.

“Saya seringkali kangen masakan mama saya. Itu momen paling sedih dalam hidup saya.”

Pada Jumat, 18 November 2023 di Yayasan Peduli Tuna Daksa Biru menyalurkan donasi berupa Kaki Palsu dan Uang Tunai untuk Rizky, hasil sementara dari kolaborasi “New Hope New Life” bersama Element dan Mills.




Meet Superkij, a visionary Graphic Designer from Yogyakarta, the creative force behind the “Box Set New Hope New Life” collaboration between Biru and Mills.

Inspired by the intricate patterns of traditional Nusantara batik and infused with a retro touch, this jersey is a versatile fashion statement. “Mills is renowned as a leading local sports apparel brand in Indonesia, and this partnership is crucial for scaling our small endeavor into something grander.”

“Retro jerseys have evolved into fashion icons. Over the past decade, I’ve designed hundreds of jerseys for football, and I see this as a golden opportunity to showcase jerseys as more than just sportswear.”

Superkij integrated the number 16 into the design as a visual and symbolic element.

“Through my research, I discovered the unique significance of the number 16, representing the 16% or 1 in 6 people worldwide living with disabilities.”

“The message of compassion and awareness for others can begin anywhere. For me, it starts with what I do best—designing jerseys.”


Introducing the “Element Ecosmo Biru” bicycle, designed with a heartfelt motivation to transform profits into hope for those less fortunate. Every purchase directly contributes to a meaningful cause.

The color blue was chosen to embody this bike, not only as a representation of Biru but also for its profound symbolism. According to Leatrice Eisman, a renowned color consultant and author of “More Alive With Color,” blue signifies loyalty, tranquility, sensitivity, and reliability. We invite you to embrace these qualities.

Be sensitive to the world around us. To those less fortunate, when we are blessed. To our brothers and sisters with disabilities, when we are able-bodied.

For those compassionate souls who purchase this bike, we offer a token of appreciation and a lasting reminder. Attached to the bike is a QR Code. Scan it, register your bike, and receive something you will cherish in the future.

This rephrased version in English captures the essence of the original content, using VOGUE’s sophisticated tone and style to convey the message.